MARCH 5, 2021: UPDATE:
MeBeBot pitched at the Austin-Southwest Central divisional "Better Workplaces Challenge Cup" and has been selected to advance to the Southwest Regional competition (TBD-We'll update here for the specific date/time of the next competition). We're thrilled to be surrounded by other companies that creating solutions and technologies to advance the role of HR and to elevate the employee experience.
Here are the details about this initiative, powered by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) and their local chapters.
Please cheer on MeBeBot, as we show our Intelligent Assistant re-invent works to drive innovation, to support employees and HR teams.
Austin HRMA and ParagonLabs, powered by SHRM, are hosting a workplace tech search for the most pioneering, ground-breaking, original ideas that will reinvent how we do work.
This three-round competition originally started at the local level in February 2021, moves to the regional rounds in April and May, with the final championship competition being held at SHRM’s Annual Conference and Exposition in June 2021.
March 4, 2021, will continue with the regional contestants from Austin – Southwest Central 1. The participants will present and prove their ideas to a panel of judges composed of HR and business leaders.