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The Future of Work is here.

on March 20, 2020

In less than one week, the "future of work" is now here, as leadership teams within companies transitioned from "crisis command centers" to "business continuity plans". For many, this meant creating strategies overnight to ensure the health and well-being of our people, our customers, and our communities and enabling employees for remote work.

For me, this past week brought back painful memories of 20 years ago, in an HR role and having to completely close the doors on a beloved dot com. This would be the start of several successive years of troubled times, with operational reductions that cut down to the bone. We have an opportunity to learn lessons from the past. But, we must act quickly to steer through these troubled waters….people first, economics second.

MeBeBot sincerely wants to help…to support companies in navigating through digital transformation. It begins with trust, often gained by providing guidance to our people through effective communications, taking advantage of collaboration channels (like Slack and Microsoft Teams), and new HR and IT technologies.

Your time is more valuable than ever….and MeBeBot's Intelligent Assistant allows you to update and automates answers to your employees' questions in real-time. The MeBeBot solution can be implemented in days, to provide you, your employees and company with a significant time to value, to build trust through communications. We're here to help you transition to the new world of work.

For a personal consultation, please click here to schedule a virtual meeting.


Beth White, Founder and Chief Bot

Here are some articles and resources we've found to be helpful:

Coronavirus Response: People First, Economics Second

The Now of Work: A 24/7 Global Community for Moving Through & Beyond COVID-19

How to support your teams in times of crisis

Lessons from a Virus

Crowd-Sourced collection for HR of Coronavirus resources