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Evaluating HR’s Readiness for Artificial Intelligence – MeBeBot

on April 28, 2019

Please join MeBeBot Founder, Beth White, at the May Austin Human Resource Management Association (AHRMA) meeting, to discuss HR’s readiness for AI.

This presentation (which is accredited for both HRCI and SHRM CEUs) will:

*Highlights the history of Technology in HR, showing software and tools to help HR move the needle from being tactical and administrative to more strategic partnering

*Summarizes advances in technologies and related tools supporting AI for HR

*Addresses macro economic changes in the workforce (demographics, remote workers, gig economy, low unemployment, etc.) that now provide HR an opportunity to use AI

*Provides some use cases of AI in HR today with potential implications

*Reviews steps to begin an AI strategy in your organization

In 2019, Workology distributed an “HR Artificial Intelligence (AI) Readiness” survey to its global subscriber list of over 100,000 HR practitioners.

This survey captured HR feedback to determine the implications and understanding of AI, how HR can leverage AI, and what implementation strategies HR professionals use to deploy AI. The results of the AI HR Readiness survey will be used to provide data points in this broader discussion of AI at the AHRMA monthly meeting.

*To participate in this survey, click here HR AI Readiness Survey to provide feedback on AI (meeting attendance not required).


Norris Conference Center, 2525 West Anderson Lane, Austin, TX 78757


Wednesday, May 15th, 8:00 AM – 10:30 AM